Welcome to Reports, which shares a broad range of our concept and advocacy papers, research findings and evaluation material, together with external resources that have shaped our thinking.  

In learning through reflective practice, much of our knowledge generation and theory-building is guided and undertaken by community workers and volunteers who have been using participatory research techniques in their work – be it in the context of project evaluation, documenting best practices, or as a means of respectfully partnering people in meeting their own aspirations.

In documenting and reflecting on our work, we aim to:

  • generate grounded, bottom-up insight that enables us to better understand the realities and life-worlds which young people and their families inhabit, in more nuanced ways;  
  • strengthen our existing techniques and share new ways of thinking and practice;
  • foster collaborative partnerships with other community stakeholders in influencing inclusive child-centered policies and social work practices that are empowering for young people, caregivers and their extended families.  

Reflective practice