Another Week Beyond – 1740

In Resources by Beyond Research

A group of volunteers started out with a simple question, “What if we could take a group of less privileged kids and have them feel so special and experience so much love and joy that they could ignite the same in their own homes and lives as well?” The question got them excited and they eventually conceptualised SUPERHERO WOW DAY, where these kids could be superheroes for a day and see the possibilities how they may improve their own lives and that of those around them.

Educator Deborah Meier believes that children use fantasy to get into the real world and in this vein, volunteer group LP151 certainly got it right as they mapped out activities for our children to live the life of a superhero for a day; designing their very own costumes, undertaking secret missions and taking home a memento that will remind them of a day where they were unafraid to stand for what they believed in. LP151 showed us that with a little passion and hearts in the right place, people can come up with meaningful and impactful initiatives. Here is the programme flow that these volunteers proposed and executed.

Dhatin, a mother of xx children told us that it was the most enjoyable activity ever that her children had participated in. Usually, her children are at home with not much to do except to watch television after they are done with their homework. So, it made her very happy to see the void deck below her flat transformed into fantasy playground for her children. The activity also enabled her to observe how capable her children were. She was pleasantly surprised that her 4-year-old could differentiate between the “fish” he was supposed to catch and the “trash” that he was to discard. At the end of the day, she was a proud mother thinking about how she could encourage her children to excel.

All of us tend to thrive when we are in the company of nurturing people and LP151 was the loving, respectful and trusting adult presence that assured our children that they are capable of learning. Their presence also gave children the confidence to share what they have learned. We found it most encouraging hearing children say that they learned that they must always try to be helpful.

“Ignite Love, Ignite Joy, Empower All” is the motto of this volunteer group and we think they certainly lived up to it.

Enjoy your weekend


Life doesn’t give us purpose. We give life purpose. – The Flash