In The Straits Times newspaper July 23, 2019: “There are many misconceptions about poverty in Singapore: that people are poor because they are lazy, or that there is no such …
The Big Read: Social stratification — a poison seeping into S’pore’s housing estates and schools
In TodayOnline newspaper May 27, 2018 “On her decision to enrol both her sons in a neighbourhood school, Ms Lim said she and her husband ‘wanted them in an environment …
Competent Communities Overview
Authors: Gerard Ee, Kokila Annamalai, Samuel Tang Renewing our focus on bringing together people from different walks of life and empowering them requires us to reframe our role from professional …
Strengthening Communities in Low-Income Families in Singapore
Author(s): Members from LKYSPP, Ng Lin Kai, Chua Hui Chee, Xiong Hao Ming, Mohammed Masrahi 46 in-depth interviews with households in low-income neighbourhoods were conducted to find out how local stakeholders …